How to setup and manage users

User Management: Effective Strategies for Setup and Administration

Users are the extensions on your system. This article describes how to edit users to the system. System users are users associated with queues, auto attendants, and other system features.


  • Displaying the Users Page
  • Editing Users

Displaying the Users Page

All user tasks are performed from the Users page. To display this page, click the Users Tab on the menu bar:

The following figure shows an example of the Users page.

A search field at the top-left of the page allows you to search users by entering their name, extension, or department, and then click the magnifying glass icon:

To sort users by name, extension, or department, click a black column header. The arrow next to column header shows whether the items are sorted in ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) order.

The refresh button at the top-right side of the page refreshes the information on the page.

The bottom-left side of the page has controls to display the next or previous page. The bottom-right side has controls to hide system users and select the number of users shown per page.

From the Users page, you can:

  • Edit users

Editing Users

There might be times when you need to edit users. For example, you might need to change names, passwords, answering rules, voice mail, or phone settings.

1. From the Users page, either:
– Click a name
– Hover over a username, click the pen icon at the far right of the Users page, and then click Profile. For example:

When a page like the following appears, use the tabs to configure the settings for this user:


Where to go from here:

  • Use the Profile tab to configure profile, caller ID, dial planning, and login password for the selected user.
  • Use the Answering Rules tab to configure time frames and answering rules for the selected user.
  • Use the Voicemail tab to configure voicemail settings for the selected user.
  • Use the Phones tab to configure the phones associated with the selected user.

Configuring the User Profile

To configure the profile for the selected user, complete the fields in the Profile tab, and then click Save.

Note: The options in your tab might be different than the ones shown below.

Configuring User Answering Rules

Answering rules define how calls to this extension are handled. To configure answering rules for the selected user:

  1. From the Users page, click the Answering Rules tab. A page like the following appears.

  2. Use the Ring for drop-down list to select the maximum number of seconds that incoming calls ring for this user before the system routes the call to the user’s voicemail or the Forward if Unanswered option, if configured.
  3. From this page, you can:
  • Allow or block calls for this user.
  • Add answering rules for this user.
  • Change the active rule for this user.
  • Edit answering rules for this user.
  • Deleting answering rules for this user.

Allowing or Blocking Calls

To allow or block calls for this user:

  1. Click the Allow/Block button. The Allow/Block pop-up window appears.

  2. Calls from allowed numbers bypass Call Screening and server side Do Not Disturb (not phone DND). To allow numbers for this user, enter a number in the Enter a number field under ALLOWED NUMBERS, and then click the plus sign next to this field. Repeat this step for each additional number you want to allow for this user.
  3. Calls from blocked numbers receive a fast busy or number disconnected message. To block numbers for this user, enter a number in the Enter a number field under BLOCKED NUMBERS, and then click the plus sign next to this field. Repeat this step for each additional number you want to block for this user.
  4. To block anonymous or unknown numbers, check Block anonymous or unknown.
  5. Click Done.

Adding Answering Rules

Adding additional answering rules allows you to specify alternate call answering rules in a different time frame (for example, handle calls differently on a weekend than on a weekday). To add an answering rule for this user:

  1. Click the Add Rule button. The Add an Answering Rule pop-up window appears.

  2. Complete the settings in the Add an Answering Rule pop-up window.

Table ‎ 1-1. Adding/Editing Answering Rules

Table ‎ 1-2. Call Forward Selections

Changing the Active Answering Rule

You can define multiple answering rules, but only one rule can be active at a time. The active rule is the first rule with a matching time frame. Best practices dictate that you order answering rules according to how specific they are, with the most specific time frames (for example, Holidays) at the top.

Assume today is Wednesday, December 25th. In this example, the Holidays and Test time frames could match the time and date conditions for December 25th. If Holidays is the first rule, however, it becomes the active rule. But if Test is the first rule, Test becomes the active rule.

To specify a rule other than the top one as the active rule:

  1. In the Answering Rules tab, find the rule you want to designate as the active rule.
  2. On the left side of the Answering Rules tab, hover the mouse over the up/down arrows for that rule (the pointer changes to a 4-headed arrow).

  3. Hold down your mouse button, drag the rule to the top row, and then release the mouse button. A message tells you that the answering rules have been reprioritized and prompts you to click Save.

  4. Click Save. The Active designation appears next to the topmost time frame.


Editing Answering Rules

To edit an answering rule for this user:

  1. In the Answering Rules tab, hover over the answering rule, and then click the pencil icon at the far right of the row.

    The Edit Answering Rule pop-up window appears.

  2. Change the rule, as appropriate. For assistance, see Table ‎ 1-1.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting Answering Rules

If you no longer need an answering rule for a user, you can delete the rule. You can delete any answering rule, except the default rule.

  1. In the Answering Rules tab, hover over the answering rule, and then click the x icon at the far right of the row.

    A confirmation prompt appears.
  2. Click Yes to delete the rule or No to retain it.

Configuring User Voicemail

To configure voice mail for the selected user:

  1. From the Users page, click the Voicemail tab. A page similar to the following appears.
  2. Complete the settings in the Voicemail tab.
  3. Click Save.

Table ‎ 1-3. Voicemail Settings