Voiply Star Codes - Business Premier

Voiply Star Codes for Business Premier: Essential Guide and Usage Tips

Star codes, identified by the asterisk (*) prefix followed by a sequence of digits, are keystroke shortcuts that enable Voiply users to access a range of features and services directly from their phone keypad. These codes serve as your digital assistant, simplifying tasks and enhancing your control over call management.

Star Code Feature Description Application
*** Dynamically Park a Call Call Queueing
*<Call Park Queue> Park a Call  Call Queuing
*35<Extension Number> Call Pickup Call Pickup
*36 Group Pickup Group-Pickup
*37 Site Pickup Site-Pickup
*38 Site Group Pickup Site-Group-Pickup
*39 Domain Pickup Domain-Pickup
*40 Activate Forward Activate-Forward
*41 Set Forward Busy Destination Set-Forward-Busy
*42 Set Forward No Answer Feature Set-Forward-No-Answer
*50 Agent Login for One Call Make Available
*51 Agent Login Make Auto
*52 Agent Logout Make Unavailable
*55<Call Park Destination> Retrieve a call from a Call Park Queue Retrieve Call
*67<10 or 11 Digit phone number> To Connection w/ Privacy DID 11 Digit  To Connection with Privacy
*67<Extension Number> To Connection w/Privacy To User with Privacy
*69 Last Call Return Call Return
*72 Set Forward Destination Set-Forward
*73 Disable Forward DeActivate-Forward
*75 Pause Call Recording Call Recording
*76 Unpause Call Recording Call Recording
*77 Activate Reject Anonymous Activate-Rej-Anony
*78 Activate Do Not Disturb Activate-DND
*79 Disable Do Not Disturb DeActivate-DND
*87 Disable Reject Anonymous Call DeActivate-Rej-Anony
*90 Activate Forward Busy Activate-Forward-Busy
*91 Disable Forward Busy DeActivate-Forward-Busy
*92 Activate Forward No Answer Activate-Forward-No-Answer
*93 Disable Forward No Answer DeActivate-Forward-No-Answer
03 + extension transfer to voicemail   
07 + extension directed call pickup  
08 + extension intercom to device   
5000 voicemail box for an unregistered account  
5001 voicemail box for a registered account  
701 / 702 / 703 Call Park. Also refer to "Is There A Way to Park and Retrieve a Call Using the Same Button?"  
720 / 721 / 722 Directed Parktrieve (call park queue required to set this up)