List of common acronyms used while Number Porting
- LOA - Letter of Authorization. The form we will need completed porting your number(s). This form gives us permission to request, on your behalf, to port your number(s) to a different phone provider.
- FOC - Firm Order Confirmation. This is the date in which a phone provider will complete the port of a number(s).
- BTN - Billing Telephone Number. This is the main telephone number listed on your account. Depending on what type of account you have, you could have just one BTN or you could have several. When porting numbers to Voiply, be sure to ask your current phone provider what the BTN(s) is/are for the number(s) you wish to port.
- LSP - Losing Service Provider (aka Losing Carrier). This is the phone provider that your number(s) is/are leaving from.
- CSR - Customer Service Record. Every carrier has a record that has your number(s), address, and Billing Telephone Number (BTN)(s). Provides correct porting details for the numbers associated with an account. Please note that the information listed on the CSR may not be the same information listed on the billing portion of your account.
- LSR - Local Service Request. This is the actual order request that the losing carrier will receive from the gaining provider. All of the information on this request must match the losing carrier’s (CSR) in order for them to issue a FOC date.
- PON – Porting Order Number. This is the confirmation number that is created once the order has been sent to the losing carrier.
- CLEC - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier or Upstream carrier. Most carriers are resellers from larger upstream carriers.
- TN = Telephone Number.
- TF = Toll Free Number.
- EU = End User or Customer.
- NPA NXX = Number Plan Area, commonly called Area Code. NXX refers to the three digits of a phone number immediately following the area code. In the number (555) 777-0000, the NPA is “555” and the NXX is “777”.