How to configure your Voicemail Settings

How to Set Up and Customize Your Voicemail: Step-by-Step Guide

Configuring your voicemail ensures that missed calls are directed to a recorded message and saved for later retrieval. Follow these steps to set up and customize your voicemail settings.

1. Access the Voicemail Settings

  • Log in to your Voiply Business account.
  • On the dashboard, locate the "Configure Voicemail" option under "Quick Actions" and click on "Configure"

2. Edit Voicemail Settings

Once you open the Manage Voicemail window, you will see the following fields that you can modify:

A. Send Calls to Voicemail After

This setting determines how long your extension should ring before the call is sent to voicemail or hung up.

You can choose the number of rings before the voicemail activates (e.g., 4 Rings).

B. Enable/Disable Voicemail

A toggle switch allows you to Enable or Disable voicemail.

When enabled, missed calls will be directed to voicemail.
When disabled, the caller will not be able to leave a message.

C. Greeting Message

This is the message that plays when the caller reaches voicemail.

Click "Change" to record using the text to speech option or upload a new greeting.

You can listen to the current greeting using the playback controls.

D. Email Address for Voicemail Notifications

This field specifies the email where voicemail notifications will be sent.

You can update this email address to ensure voicemails are received promptly.

E. Voicemail Password

This is the password used when accessing the voicemail center.

You can update it for security purposes.

3. Save Your Changes

After making the necessary adjustments, click the "Save" button at the top to apply the changes.\

By following these steps, you can ensure your voicemail is configured properly, making it easier to manage missed calls efficiently.