How do I setup Call Routing?

Step by Step guide on setting up call routing for business advanced.

From here you can configure specific ring hours, directing calls to designated users or ring groups during certain times. Additionally, call routing allows playing customized audio messages before routing to a user or directly to voicemail, optimizing call handling based on business needs and improving overall communication workflows.


To setup your Call Routing, please follow the steps below:


1. On your Voiply dashboard side panel, click on Call Routing.


2. Select which phone number you are looking for to setup or configure.


3. Setup your Time Condition or when do you want to receive calls. Within this timeframe all calls will route to "Working Hours Routing" and outside the timeframe will route to "Closed Hours Routing".


In here you can select either "Always take calls 24/7" which will route the calls 24/7 to what's setup under Routing Options. Under routing options you can select where you want to route the call and then choose an option.

You can also setup a Specific Time Schedules by selecting "Only specific hours" as shown below.


1. Select Your Time Zone
2. Choose your schedule type

  • Everyday - follows the setup timeframe from Monday to Sunday
  • Weekdays - follows the setup timeframe from Monday to Friday
  • Custom - Setup a custom or specific timeframe for each day from Monday to Sunday

3. Setup your custom timeframe for the schedule type that you've selected.
4. Setup your Routing options for Working Hours and Closed Hours

Working Hours


Select where you want to route the calls to during working hours and then choose an option.

Closed Hours

Select where you want to route the calls to during closed hours and then choose an option.

Note: Once you are done, don't forget to click on Save Changes